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58 Beijing, Beijing, China
Seeking: Male 50 - 65
Hello! I’m a farm, open-hearted woman with a deep passion for life and a wealth of experiences that have shaped me. I primarily live in Tokyo, where I enjoy the city’s blend of tradition and modernity. I studied law in Japan and have been working in the legal services field ever since, which has given me a deep understanding of different cultures and perspectives As a result, my Japanese is fluid. One of my greatest pleasures is exploring fine cuisine — whether it’s a refined Michelin-starred restaurant or a hidden local gem, I believe that food is a window into culture and history. I’m not particularly fond of socializing in large groups, but I value deep, meaningful connections I believe that shared values are the foundation of any lasting relationship, whether in friendship or love. Genuine understanding and a similar outlook on life are far more important to me than surface-level compatibility. Traveling is my lifelong past. I have explored many parts of the world, and every journey has broadened my perspective. In Europe, I was captivated by breathtaking architecture, world-class museums, and vibrant art scenes, with Barcelona leaving an unforgettable impression on me. The United States became familiar through my son’s studies, giving me insight into its culture. Southeast Asia’s rich traditions and stunning landscapes have deeply inspired me, while Africa has been an exhilarating adventure — I’ve visited three times, marveling at the untamed beauty of South Africa, Rwanda, and Botswana. With multiple valid visas, I’m always ready for my next trip. If we connect, meeting in Tokyo, Hong Kong, or any other city in the world is always an option!
50 Beijing, Beijing, China
Seeking: Male 45 - 70
54 Beijing, Beijing, China
Seeking: Male 31 - 60
我喜欢有智慧的人,善于有思想地交流,能够掌控自己的情绪。信守诺言!我需要一个慢节奏的生活,一个温暖的家,彼此相爱的人。我爱在大自然中,海边,树屋,田园的生活,我善于发现美好的事物!我不喜欢大城市的喧闹,竞争,压力!我喜欢体育运动!我有很强的自我管理能力,我可以保持体重30年不变。我善于保养自己的身体(我有健康咨询顾问资格证书和使用简单的中医)所以我非常健康。我热爱性。我浪漫,忠诚,仁慈,注重礼貌.我喜欢了解并且接受新事物,每天练习瑜伽,每天看书,学习。喜欢公益事业,我认真地寻找爱情,我很重视情感关系与婚姻,不喜欢争吵,暴力,歇斯底里,喜欢及时正确地沟通。没有爱情游戏!(拒绝视频激情为了性!网络骗子别试图接近我,我可以很快识别出来。) 看到这里,我希望你可能是一个不错的人吧(哈哈哈😁),你充满智慧的头脑比任何东西都吸引我!各种知识和手工制作能力,仁慈,别撒谎,守信用!别试图改变我,接受我的一切!有良好的身体(保持体重,不要肥胖)!很多男人喜欢漂亮的女人(但是,女人需要付出非常巨大的努力和金钱保持良好的状态。)所以,请接受我更喜欢良好的物质生活和更优秀的男人,如果你不能给我物质作为保障,谈论其他的问题都是不现实与自欺欺人!如果你一辈子只会努力工作,那是你的选择,我需要生活,不是你的工作时间之外的点缀!要对生活充满激情(抱歉:我不能接受你的阳具又细又短!并且,我不接受很长的包皮。如果你只用下体思考我们的关系,离开!),没有不良嗜好(吸烟,毒品,酒精依赖,赌博等),你要慷慨.一名有礼貌而又幽默的绅士,最主要的原则:请真正地爱我!在这里寻找真实的爱情和婚姻伴侣,没有游戏!希望看到你的照片(近期的生活照片,我可以看到你的眼睛的照片)!~我不接受视频激情为了性!骗子离开



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